NAMC-Nevada Membership
Business Directory
List your company to gain visibility to our members and major corporate partners and owners.
Education and Training
Access to NAMC University to hear about construction and business topics as an owner.
Business Development
Learn how to implement strategies across your business to promote growth and boost revenue.
Networking with Major Corporate Partners/Owners
Meet and interact with national companies to build relationships.
Pre-Qualification Assistance
Gain assistance to qualify your company to submit bids.
Board Committees
Participate in our committees to build our community.
Voting Power
Help choose our board members to guide future endeavors.
National and Regional Events
Attend events to become involved in the national NAMC community.
Get In Touch to See If We’re the Right Fit for Your Minority Contracting Company
NAMC Nevada is here to serve you, our members. As a member you’ll enjoy all of the benefits above plus many others.
Contact us today to learn about becoming a member.

Platinum Partnership……………………………$10,000
Gold Partnership…………….….……..……………$7,500
Silver Partnership…………………….…………….$5,000
Bronze Partnership……….…………..……………$2,500
Government Sector…………….……..……………$2,500
Standard Business Membership.…..…………$1,000
Minority Business Membership…..……………..$500
One Designated Member represents the Company and is entitled to one vote, receives all mailings, may participate on committees, and become a candidate and hold office, while Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze have multiple Designated Members.